Rabu, 25 November 2009

Ringing In The Ears? Perhaps You Suffer Otitis

Inflammation of the ears can be caused by bacteria and virusses that settle in the outer ear cavity, midle, and deep. It could also be doe to infection upper respiratory (ISPA). If suddenly your ears ringing, you may be suffring from inflammation of the ear.

According to Dr. Agus Subagio SpTHT, from RS Puri Indah, West Jakarta, inflammation of the ears is an inflammation of the outer ears, (external otitis), middle otitis (otitis media), and inner ear. " The pain, feeling full in the ear, ringging or hearing loss, be careful, you may have otitis (inflammation of the ear). Type common ear inflammation is otitis media, infection of the middle ear and external otitis, or inflammation of the outer ears."

Otitis media is is inflammation of the middle ear. This inflammation often begins with infection that cause sore troats and colds, cold or breathing problem spread to other middle ear. This can be caused by viruses or bacteria that become acute or chronic. Acute otitis media usually develope rapidly and short duration. "Acute otitis is usually associated with an accumulation of fluid in the middle ear," he added.

Chronic otitis media (OMK) is inflammation of the middle ear is persistent, can typically suffered for a month. This is different from acute ear infection (acute otitis media) which usually takes several weeks. "After the acute infection, fluid may lakr behind the eardrum (tympanic membrane) that settles to the three months before disapearing," he explained.

Chronic otitis media may developed after prolonged periods of time with a liquid or negative pressure behind the eardrum. Chronic otitis media can cause damage sustained in the middle ear and eardrum. And perhaps there is a constant flow through the hole in the eardrum. Chronic otitis media is often initiated whitout pain and fever. Ear eruption or ear pressure can be a presistant for many months. "Sometimes heraing loss is caused by subtle chronic otitis media," he said.

Symptoms and Causes

Inflammation of the middle ears or Otitis Media Acute (OMA) is usually accompanied by fever and eat felt full. If going for a long time, until the chronic, will turn into Supuratif Chronic Otitis Media (Omsk), the chronic inflammation of the middle ear with a hole (perforation) in eardrum (tympanic membrane). "And the history of disscharge (secretions) from the ears (otorea) more than two months, either continuously or relapsing-remitting," he explianed.

There is pressure accumulated in the middle ear, precisely in the eardrum, will cause high fever, nausea, vomiting, headache and decreased appetite or lost. Thick disscharge from the ear hole mark eardrum rupture due to fluid pressure was so strong. But if inflammation is not accompanied by infection, ear diss order may be almost whithout symptoms. Or symptoms can include feeling like a full ear something. "If there is infection, which usually comes from respiratory tract infection upper, which appread similiar symptoms common colds," he explained.

While the outer ear inflammation caused by infection. For example because of bacteria and fungi. It could also be non-infectious. For example because of irritation, exim on the ear, accidents and trauma. Inflammation of the middhle due to ARI (Upper Respiratoru Tract Infection). And the inner ear due to complications from spreading or middle ear inflammation. Infection in the middle ear can cause damage to structures in the middle ear and over time will occur from inflammation of the ear complications, the patien may experience dizzy spin and the infection will spread to the brain. "Inflammation of the ear was more suffered by the children, around the age of 5-10 years," he said.

Chronic Otitis Media Supuratif (Omsk), the compisition is accompanied by chronic ear tympanic membrane perforation and exit discharge continously or relapsing-remitting, usually accompanied by hearing loss. Most of Omsk is a continuation of the OMA and a small part caused by perforation of tympanic membrane ear trauma. Omsk clinical picture is out of the middle ear secretions. Hearing loss occure gradually. The pain comes when it comes to complications or Omsk with OE. "On the physical examination was already perforated tympanic membrane," he said.

To detect ear inflammation can be done with anemnesa, which saw the otoskop eardrums. "In addition, test using Audiometry and garputala also can be used. The tool serves to test the sharpness of hearing. OAE (Oto Acoustic Emation) and Bera (Brea Response Audiometry)," he explained.


In accordance with with the type of Omsk, in the clear type if the sekret progressive shuold be presscribed ear wash 3 percent H2O2 for 2-3 days with antibiotics or penicillin. When secretions are reduced but not dry, give ear drops containing antibiotics corticosteroids, between 10-14 days. Omsk patients is not recomended to swim. If the conservative treatment does not dry secretions, the possibility of chronic mastoiditis has happened, so it's recomended for surgery. "The malignant type, appropriate treatment with surgery," he said.


Inflammation of the ear can be avoided by maintaining a healthy life style and diligent exercise. Try to forbid Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (ARI). Therefore advisable to wash hands diligently because ARI easily spread through the hands. Do not clean the ear with the hard-type object. "In addition, reduce air pollutions level, especially in home by not smoking, improved sanitation facilities, water use, and adequacy ventilation of the room, improving the immune sytem by eating nutritious food, improve personal hygiene and do not be too long in the water when swimming if not ising ear protection," he explained.

Trough Autech, Nissan Targetting young Poeple

JAKARTA - With the presence Nissan Autech, PT Nissan Motor Indonesia (NMI) believes will better cover to broader market. Because this car is intended for the young or young-minded poeple.

This statement was made by Deputy Director of Sales & Marketing NMI Teddy Irawan between of launching Nissan X-Trail Autech Nissan Headquarters Office, Jakarta, some time ago.

According Teddy, with a touch with Nissan presence is not erode other Autech Nissan cars but instead adds. " It eliminates the previous Nissan products adds to Nissan line's-up that already exist," he stated

With the presence Autech version of Nissan, Teddy expect the consumer from Japan's car will be more and more choices. "We prepared like those who want to look stylish or for young poeple who are vain," he said.

That's why, said Teddy, in addition in X-Trail will be no other Nissan variant taht use touch Autech.